Where the fishermen keep their boats the village starts and climbs the hill behind. The natural harbour formed by the hills and the reef has drawn seafearers for centuries. Here the ocean as always broght new people, work and put food ont the table. Every morning the local fishermen gather at the beach before they head out to spearfish on what is the largest coral reef of the Dominican Republic. Common fish here is snapper, blue marlin, sailfish, barracuda, blue runner, sea bass, bonito, mahi mahi, guatapana and more.

Fishermen to kiteinstructors
Today more and more young men from Buen Hombre aspire to replace their spearguns and seek a future in kiteboarding as a kiteinstructor in one of the local kiteshools. They are well connected to their roots and local kiteinstructors can often be seen spearfishing in the morning before the strong wind comes in.
Cementary of ships
More than 700 species of corals live here on various depths. This coal reef streatches over 64 km from provincial capital Monte Cristi to Punta Rucia, famous for it’s fabolous beaches. More than 450 galleons have meet their wet grave at this reef giving the area the nickname “The cementary of ships”. The area is part of a 249 kilometer long line of coast forming the national underwater park “Parque Nacional Submarino de Montecristi”. It’s the most pristine and vibrant coral reef of the Dominican Republic.